Check out this amazing new loan program, All-In-One Loan with Jodi Longley of CMG Financial.
Jodi Longley Loan Officer Retail Lending NMLS # 389510 Branch NMLS # 6337 PHONE: (253) 592-6506 EMAIL: [email protected] CMG Financial website
Jim: Hi this is Jim Clifford with Washington Realty Group and today I’m talking with Jodi Longley from CMG Financial about a new program that they have with their company; well I don’t know if it’s new but it’s a unique company, loan program with your company. Why don’t you explain a little bit.
Jodi: Thank you. Yes the All-In-One Home Loan Mortgage actually is unique to CMG Financial. It has been out there for quite a while, it’s been in Europe areas, in Australia, but we are the only one that have it here in the United States. Which it’s a great product because it allows your home mortgage to actually be part of your checking account, and with that it allows you to actually pay your house off faster and save thousands of dollars of interest.
Jim: So how does it pay it off faster, how does that work?
Jodi: So in a typical conventional mortgage, as you make your payment, you pay your interest first. In this particular product you actually pay principal first. Which in turn allows for less interest to be paid. So that way you actually pay thousands of dollars less in interest and build equity faster, which in fact allows you to pay your house off faster.
Jim: Now I think part of the program you’re allowed to pull out your equity to use for investments, is that correct?
Jodi: Yes, it works just like a line of credit. So if used responsibly and you don’t, you don’t have to change anything to your normal budget, you can still pay the home off faster and then you still have access to those funds.
Jim: Wow, so does, does a person, would this be better for a person who’s looking at purchasing a new home or would this be better for somebody who’s had a home and they’ve built up equity over time?
Jodi: Honestly it can be used for either. So that first time home buyer, even a new home buyer, they would do their 20% down and once they continue paying that down, they would still have access to those funds. The current homeowner, a lot of people are refinancing into this product so that way they have that line of credit ability and they do not have to go and search out for line of credits within the time, during their home.
Jim: So they would save money then by not having to do a new line of credit and you new credit costs and new appraisal fees etc.
Jodi: Exactly and you have full access to all of the funds between debit card, checking, wire, all of that.
Jim: Wow, sounds like a great program. So if you’re interested give Jodi a call, if you’re looking for a home and you want to use a line and credit program like this, let me know and we’ll talk to you soon. Again, thank you.
Jodi: Thank you.
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