When you’re in the mood is always a good time for a fresh exterior paint job. Fortunately, we have wonderful paint choices today and with an oil-based product, it can be applied in not so favorable weather conditions. Water-based products work great in the summer, just be sure the product is not applied during the extreme heat of the day. This can cause poor adhesion as the exterior paint dries too quickly.
Selecting a color palette is probably the most challenging aspect of the whole job particularly if you’re hiring a painting contractor to perform the actual work. Most paint stores offer preselected color combinations tried and true by professional designers. Having seen many homeowner disasters for selecting a color, I would strongly recommend following the professional’s advice. However, it’s a great idea to buy samples of your chosen color palette and apply some product to your home in bright and low light exterior areas of your home. This will give you a true representation of what the colors will look like on your personal abode. It is difficult to look at a small chip of paint and get a true representation of that being applied to your whole house. For twenty bucks buy samples and validate your choices. A small investment to provide you some assurance you have made the right choice since we’re talking about an occurrence that maybe happens every ten years or when preparing a home to sell. Here is a video with tips to choosing exterior paint colors.
Enjoy your refreshed exterior paint colors and you will be impressed every time you walk up to that gorgeous like-new home.
Rick Jusenius