Spring Cleaning Anyone? By Rick Jusenius


Spring Cleaning Anyone?

Well it’s that time of year again. Since they days are beginning to be a little longer some of us might be feeling the need to freshen up a bit. With so many dark and dreary days probably my best suggestion would be to lighten up our living spaces.

After having lived in a cave these last few months let’s make some needed improvements. Changing out light bulbs with the new efficient and bright LED bulbs is an easy improvement. Getting rid of dingy dark drapes and replacing with sheer panels along with a good window scrub also goes a long way. Adding some mirrors to any room does an excellent job of reflecting light and making everything seem brighter. A fresh coat of paint is also a great fix to making those dark rooms just feel better.

This is also a great time to pull out that vacuum cleaner and get behind the refrigerator and eliminate those annoying dust bunnies behind the Television. Since the attachments are already out let’s use a dust brush and go around all the baseboard moldings. Time to pull the cushions off the couch and go treasure hunting as well. The linen and coat closet surely need some attention and will be so much easier just to find what we’re looking for throughout the year.

Let’s have some fun and freshen up our homes now so we can enjoy all that the coming summer has to offer. Along with being more prepared for the fall and winter seasons.