Staying Motivated While We Age By Jim Clifford

staying alive

Staying Motivated While We Age


Are you old enough to have watched the first screening of Saturday Night Fever in a movie theater? If you did, the song “Staying Alive” has a whole different meaning to you now than it did then. This morning I read a Facebook post about my high school class and 63 of my classmates have passed away. While that is still less than 10% of my graduating class (yes very large school), it was still shocking to see so many people I knew were no longer here.

Putting up with the aches and pains of aging, seeing my overall energy level go down a bit I guess after all, it is okay. I read a very good article from “Motivation Grid” that outlines some basic ideas of staying motivated. It said to challenge yourself every day, be positive, and appreciate the power of the mind. But it also said the two other items I think are most important. First: focus on your fitness and Second: Live, laugh, love.

The article in link below from “Health Guidance for better health” explains why it is harder to stay motivated while we age. It says that most peoples have issues with the physical changes that occur as we age. Therefore, it is important to take care of your body. First by getting regular good physical activity, next by having healthy diet and finally staying engaged with other people. They recommend you find something that you want to volunteer your time and energy in that will give you purpose each day.

Last week labor statistics noted that there is an increase in the number of older workers. That more “retired” people went back to work. I think this is part of finding purpose. I know for me that continuing to work makes it easier to get up each morning go to the YMCA to get exercise and then go to office. An acquaintance of mine that is retired enjoys scuba diving and goes all over the world to see different places. He keeps fit, so he can continue to dive. While another retired friend works three days a week at our local food bank and works out so she can continue to help other people.

Staying active physically is very important, so you can stay active mentally. One of my coaches in high school stressed that being physically fit meant that we would be mentally fit for the last part of our competition and that would make a positive outcome. Here again, this has a whole different meaning now.

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